Tag Archives: Triggers

Disagreements are normal in relationships

Expect every relationship to have a disagreement along the way. Disagreements are normal in relationships. Disagreements, however, can trigger other feelings, such as loss of control, powerlessness, or feelings of abuse. Mix into this situation your partner’s personality, the triggers the disagreements bring up for both of you, and a dash of how we saw disagreements resolved in our childhood and you may have a very dysfunctional approach to resolving conflict.

Are you willing to change? Most importantly, is your partner willing to change, too?

IntimacySome disagreements are not disagreements but break downs in communication, or misinterpreted statements. Sometimes the way a message is delivered (i.e. in a text or email) can open the door for miscommunication and result in a fight between partners. Your partner may be upset over reading an email, or hearing your message on their voicemail and you may not know why there is such high level of upset. The answer usually is: they misinterpreted your statement.

Simple miscommunication

Miscommunication typically results from not explaining yourself clearly, specifically and completely. All very difficult to do in a voice mail, text or email. So make a rule that all difficult conversations be made face to face. Your partner deserves this quality of conversation and you deserve not to be in the realm of upset over this predicament.

When communicating with your loved one, ask yourself the following, are you:

  1. Communicating with a lack of emotion in your voice?
  2. Leaving out information you assume your partner should know about?
  3. Are you really saying what you want to say?
  4. Is there a hidden agenda lurking behind this communication? Perhaps all of these things you have reviewed, resolved, cleaned up and cleared out. It was a simple miscommunication, end of story. Now, you both can move on to your weekend chores or favorite Netflix program.

It’s a bigger thing . . .

If this is more than a miscommunication problem, the next step is picking a time to discuss it, calmly, quietly and with no interruptions. Maybe at lunch on Sunday, or after the kids go to bed, most definitely when both of you have cooled down. Plan on sitting down with your partner and starting with an opening statement affirming your love and commitment to the relationship. Pledge that this meeting is an attempt to change how you communicate. Make fastidious notes regarding your presentation, because you may have to make an appointment with your partner to discuss this again, in a few days. Chances are you will forget all about your thoughts and feelings about this miscommunication, so keep your notes handy. If your partner is not looking you in the eye, or multitasking on their cell phone while you are attempting a conversation, maybe they had some difficulties coming to this meeting. Kindly ask, with a lack of emotion in your voice, the following:

  1. Ask if they heard your request to discuss this problem
  2. If there would be a better time to have this discussion when you could have their full attention
  3. Are they bringing up old resentments from past conflicts, if so, ask them to set these resentments aside for a time
  4. Is something really bothering them about this problem, and would they like to speak first?

Identify avoidance

Couples become very good at avoiding conflict. Sometimes one partner is so good at it, they teach the other partner avoidance through osmosis. Soon both partners are adept at sidestepping the real issues, and all conflicts because they won’t like the results. Remember your intimate relationship with your partner is not a win/lose proposition. Avoidance leaves one or both partners feeling unloved, not respected and upset that they are not being “heard.” It is important to work through a few of these exercises, so each partner can realize that discussing and resolving conflict is very important for a healthy, intimate relationship.

Avoidance looks and feels like this:

  1. You are so resentful at your partner that you are unwilling to do anything to resolve it
  2. All conversations like this devolve into conflict, anger, shouting and negative outcomes
  3. You don’t see any problem to discuss
  4. These meetings are a waste of time, dull boring and I could be mowing the lawn, paying bills or doing the wash instead of doing this
  5. If you have to have these discussions at the therapist’s office, a common thought is, I would rather spend my money on something other than this.

How to prepare for the meeting to resolve a problem

Before your meeting, identify your “hot button” issues. You know the ones, identify your pattern in most of your arguments. Does talking about money set you off, does mention of your domineering mother make you defensive, does worrying about your partner leaving you bring up actions you would rather not display (like aggression) or when things aren’t going your way do you start to cry? Review your reactions to your hot-button issues before hand, come up with some solutions to control your reactions (bite your lip, light a cigarette, hold a teddy bear) this will help you cope better during this meeting. Here are some ground rules both you and your partner should read and agree on prior to this meeting:

  1. Pick a time to discuss a problem so it can be resolved. Don’t discuss a problem when either of you are angry
  2. In this discussion, stay focus on the one problem. Use the specific example of your “upset” over this problem. Even if you have to repeat this specific example several times, stay focused
  3. Have a goal in mind when you discuss this problem. What are the changes you hope to make by discussing this problem? Why is it important for you to discuss this problem? Is this problem something you and your partner can change? Can you both commit to the change?
  4. Tell your partner what has upset you and what you are willing to do to change things going forward. Ask your partner what he/she is willing to do or change
  5. Be courteous when speaking to your partner, no back stabbing, knife twisting or “I’m better than you” comments
  6. Express positive messages, focus on the good attributes your partner has. As in the Jungle Book, “Accentuate the positive.” Or as in Mary Poppins, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”
  7. Ask for changes to this problem in a positive way, avoid a cynical tone of voice or aggressive body language
  8. Do something nice for your partner, without expecting something in return.
  9. Complain about the things that matter. Attempt to limit your complaints to one thing that will make a difference or has to be acted upon immediately
  10. Let go of the past. Don’t allow yourself to bring up old problems, behaviors or incidents from the past. This will derail this conversation and it will devolve into a shouting match
  11. Be open to compromise. Intimate relationships are not a winner-take-all environment. Be open to your partner’s ideas
  12. Remove ultimatums from your vocabulary. Phrases like “I am leaving you” or “Pack your bags” should be turned into a “Let’s cool down and discuss this at another time.”

Using these tools to improve your intimate relationship is just like going to a board retreat or a workshop to improve your job performance. Isn’t it worth it to improve your intimate relationship’s performance? To advance change with the person you trust more than your boss, manager or administrator?

In an intimate relationship, the ultimate goal is not to dominate, control, or win. It is, instead, to create nourishing and mutually supportive intimacy; that is, to fully see your partner and to be fully seen; to be lovingly held by your partner (and vice versa) and to listen to them. The highest priority is on the relationship itself, on creating and maintaining an empathetic, loving environment. Acknowledging there is no boss, no subordinate, no winners, no losers. In other words, an intimate relationship is a place where two people, sometimes being in direct opposition or conflict, ultimately, trust the other’s predominant values enough to find equilibrium.

Go at it!

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5 Didn’t-See-It-Coming Relapse Triggers (and How to Avoid Them)

This week’s guest blogger is David Sack, MD. Dr Sack is the CEO of Elements Behavioral Health and Promises Treatment Centers in Los Angeles and Malibu, CA.  Dr. Sack has appeared on Dateline NBC, Good Morning America, The Early Show, E! News, and he blogs for PsychCentral and Huffington Post,


Some relapse triggers, such as stress, job loss, isolation, the death of a loved one, and other distressing events or feelings, get a lot of attention during treatment, and rightly so.

But sometimes it’s the happy moments (or the seemingly neutral ones) that sneak up and trigger a return to drug use. Here are five triggers that often take unsuspecting recoverees by surprise:

#1 Sex and Relationships

An oft-repeated (and oft-ignored) cardinal rule of early recovery is to avoid dating for at least the first year. This advice is not intended to punish, but to give the recovering addict time to focus internally – to figure out who they are, what they want and how to cope without using drugs or alcohol – before trying to be a source of support for someone else.

At a time when recovering addicts are most likely to want a relationship and least likely to be prepared for one, they are at high risk of falling into the familiar pattern of looking outside of themselves to fulfill emotional needs, escape or relieve stress. Some people rely on the “high” of a new relationship as a substitute for drugs or alcohol. Cross addictions to sex, love, romance or relationships are a major cause of relapse among the newly sober.

In addition to the obvious emotional strain when the relationship falters or comes to an end, few addicts in early recovery are in a position to judge whether someone will be a good match – or to be a good partner for someone else. Diseased thinking and tenuous self-esteem make them more likely to attract someone who is infatuated, controlling, addicted or unavailable than to achieve genuine intimacy.

Relapse Prevention Strategy:

Follow the sage wisdom of AA and recommend that all recovering addicts avoid dating for at least the first year of recovery. They should use this time to focus instead on family relationships and friendships before diving back into the dating world.


#2   A Promotion or A New Job

Finding a new job or getting a promotion is a time for celebration, which for most people in recovery was at one time synonymous with indulging in drugs or alcohol. A promotion can be a double-edged sword – a confidence-builder as well as a temptation to use their increased financial resources for drugs or alcohol.

Relapse Prevention Strategy:

In many cases, there is no need for recovering addicts to turn down a job offer or a promotion to protect their sobriety. Like any other employee, they may need to ask for help if work demands become a threat to their health or productivity. Following a significant change in income, recovering addicts may benefit from hiring a financial advisor or life coach, or spending time in a structured sober living environment that offers training in budgeting, time management and other life skills.


#3  Complacency or Over-Confidence

When life begins to feel more manageable, many recovering addicts start thinking, “My addiction wasn’t that bad” or “I’m stronger now – I can have just one drink and stop.” They may stop taking care of basic needs such as sleep, physical activity and a healthy diet and start returning to people, places or things that remind them of their drug-using days. Feeling strong and confident, they stop attending 12-Step meetings and calling their sponsor.

Relapse Prevention Strategy:

No matter how strong the recovering addict feels, they must continue working a program of recovery. Twelve-Step meetings will remind them of where they were just a few weeks or months earlier and offer a support network that can help identify high-risk attitudes. Keeping a journal or finding another way to routinely monitor their emotions can also be helpful. Those who feel capable can share their strength with others by volunteering at meetings or performing community service. Giving back is a wonderful way to build self-esteem and at the same time stay humble.


#4 Boredom

Drugs and alcohol are the organizing principle of an addict’s life. When those are removed, there is a void that needs to be filled with healthy pursuits, or boredom and isolation can set in. It takes time to figure out the balance between having enough free time to relax and enjoy life, but not so much that the old lifestyle begins to look more desirable.

Relapse Prevention Strategy:

Preventing boredom requires self-awareness and vigilant monitoring. If an individual is prone to boredom, they should consider creating a list of the activities and situations that prompt the need for distraction or escape, as well as a list of novel ideas for sober recreation that are available in their area, such as sports teams, art or fitness classes, or volunteer opportunities. For some, old passions should be revisited while others may thrive trying something new every week.


#5 Undiagnosed and Untreated Physical or Mental Health Problems

Undiagnosed mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety and personality disorders, are among the leading causes of drug relapse. More than half of all adults with severe mental illness have co-occurring substance use disorders. If all disorders are not identified and treated simultaneously, the addict may end up in a cycle of chronic relapse without knowing why.

Recovering addicts struggling with pain, anxiety or other conditions may be prescribed addictive medications by a physician that doesn’t realize they are in recovery. Taking any mind-altering substance, even for a legitimate medical purpose, may threaten the addict’s recovery.

Relapse Prevention Strategy:

If an underlying mental health disorder is suspected, the most effective course may be specialized dual diagnosis treatment from a multidisciplinary team of professionals that provides comprehensive psychiatric assessments and care. Relapse prevention planning for those with dual disorders is complex and often includes long-term treatment and monitoring.

If a doctor prescribes an addictive medication, the recovering addict must explain that they are in recovery and ask for non-addictive alternatives. Because not all doctors receive adequate training in addiction, it can be helpful for the recovering addict to get educated about addictive drugs and learn to advocate for their own needs, even if that means finding a new doctor.

Relapse is harder to prevent when you don’t see it coming. By learning about individual relapse triggers and taking precautions, the recovering addict will be in the best position to get through not only the tough times but also the happier ones with their recovery intact.


This post is written by David Sack, M.D.

David Sack, MD, currently serves as CEO at Elements Behavioral Health and Promises Treatment Centers in Los Angeles, and Malibu, CA.  Dr. Sack has appeared on Dateline NBC, Good Morning America, The Early Show, E! News, and he blogs for PsychCentral and Huffington Post,

Dr. Sack is board-certified in psychiatry, addiction psychiatry and addiction medicine, and is a certified Medical Review Officer. His experience in substance abuse treatment includes implementing comprehensive ambulatory detoxification within general medical settings, substance abuse treatment of adjudicated youth and adults, and developing specialized residential and outpatient treatment programs of dually-diagnosed clients.

This blog was originally posted on the Addiction Recovery Group at Zion Park, Utah web site blog in March of 2012.

 Dr Sack can be contacted at:



On Tweeter at: @DrDavidSack

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