Tag Archives: Steve Devlin

Books that Shaped America

The Interior of the Library of Congress

This week’s post is a guest post by Steve Devlin, a recovery coach from Philadelphia PA.

Recently,  I was in Washington, D.C. for two days. It was a gorgeous day with temperatures almost getting to 60 degrees and the sun shining brightly. A perfect day to walk and see the sights. I have been blessed to visit Washington many times so finding new museums or monuments to visit is not easy. I have walked along the National Mall and visited every sight from the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capital. I have walked around Arlington National Cemetery and The White House. I was determined to go someplace new on this visit.

Out of all the places I have wandered I have never been to either the U.S. Supreme Court of the Library of Congress. So, off I went on my adventure on a lovely day in mid-December. My initial interest in going to the Library of Congress was to see an exhibit of the actual 6,487 books which Thomas Jefferson donated in 1815 to replace the original library which was destroyed in the War of 1812. It was very cool to his collection, but cooler still was an exhibit called Books That Shaped America. In 2012 the Library of Congress started a project that first identified 88 books by American authors. Then they opened it up to voting. The top 25 vote getters were designated as the books which had a profound impact on American life.

As you might expect these 25 books looked like the books you would read in high school or college. For me the real surprise was #10 on the list. Sitting right between two Nobel Prize winning authors was the A.A. Big Book. This 1939 first edition was described as “the famous 12-step program for stopping addiction has sold more than 30 million copies. Millions of men and women worldwide have turned to the program co-founded by Bill W and Dr. Bob to recover from alcoholism. The ‘Big Book’ as it is known spawned similar programs for other forms of addiction.”

My first reaction to seeing The Big Book was complete surprise. I almost yelled “That’s my book.” While other books on display broadened my education, and added pieces to my life, no other book as changed my life so profoundly. It was the source of hope when I was hopeless and provided a guide out of the darkness of my addiction. I should use the present tense here. This book is a part of my daily life. When I feel confused about choices, I remember my 4th step. When I wonder if I need to apologize for a harmful word or act, I know how to make amends. And when I wonder about the purpose of my life, I remember the 12th step.

A great novel is good to read, but in the end, it goes back on the shelf to collect dust. The Big Book is my guide to life. It is part of me and it is no wonder that I feel it is “my” book. The voices in it could be my own, because it was written by two people experiencing the horrors of addiction and the miracles of recovery, one day at a time, one step at a time, and one page at a time. It is my favorite book because it continues to shape my life.

May I ask you- How has The Big Book shaped your life?

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Lions, Tigers and Bears and the Yellow Brick Road to Recovery

This is a guest post by Steve Devlin, a recovery coach from Philadelphia PA, and a long time friend. I chose to post this over the Christmas weekend, because it brings me such joy, and brings back wonderful memories of watching the Wizard of Oz on TV during the 60’s. Thank-you Steve, and Happy Holidays to all of my readers.

Over the past week, I have been thinking about the Serenity Prayer and its connection to the Wizard of Oz.  Some of you might be looking at your computer and wonder if I have lost my mind.  I beg for your patience and to hear me out.  First a caveat or two.  I represent only myself in this message.  The second caveat is this message was inspired by a share I heard at a 12-step meeting.  The person who said it gave me permission to use it.  So here we go!

We all know the Serenity Prayer.  “May God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”  And almost everyone knows the story of the Wizard of Oz or at least the movie version of the story. Dorothy is not happy with life on the farm, runs away, is swept up in a tornado, lands in a strange place, and gathers three companions on her journey to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard.  On the way, she must deal with witches – good and bad – flying monkeys, and castle guards before she finds she always had the power to grant her wish of returning home.

So what does this story have to do with the Serenity Prayer, let alone recovery?  We cannot find fulfillment, happiness, or peace in our lives. We run away and just when we realize that we have run too far, we are swept up in the tornado (or drug of our choice).  Its path of destruction destroys the landscape of our lives and carries us far away. Thankfully, when the storm passes we land in a new brightly-colored world filled with sober people singing about the blessings of recovery.  Yet our own work is just beginning.  There is a road we must follow with steps leading to the Emerald City of sobriety.  We also learn that we cannot walk the path alone.  There are still temptations, flying monkeys, people, places, and things calling us back to the darkness.  However, as we follow the path we first find the companion of serenity – the heart to love ourselves and others.  A new heart also gives us the gift of forgiveness and acceptance.

The second companion is the courage to move forwards even when encountering lions, tigers, and bears.  It is courage which lets us turn over our lives, let go of character defects, and make amends.  It is also courage that lets us pick up the phone or go to a meeting.

Finally, there is wisdom, which gives us the ability to see choices in our lives and to know what we can and cannot change.  After long periods of feeling tied up like a scarecrow on a post, we are set free to walk a brick road of new life.  Of course, finding these three companions to fight back addiction is only part of the story and the Emerald City is not the ultimate destination.  Our companions bring us to the shining light of recovery, but we must take the gifts back home and use them in our daily lives outside of the rooms.

I wish recovery was as easy as clicking our heals together.  Finding our way home takes work but with heart, courage, and wisdom we can overcome all the flying monkeys and stay out of the way of tornadoes.  We also learn that the greatest companion of recovery is gratitude which was always just in our own backyard.

Question: Who are your companions on the brick road?

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