The second edition of RECOVERY COACHING- A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions – has just been released

The second edition of RECOVERY COACHING- A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions has 100 new pages of vital recovery coaching ideas aligned with the most up to date, state-of-the-art research on substance misuse treatment models, examples of new recovery support practitioner jobs, discussions about situations that a coach encounters with a patient revived from an opioid overdose and very important information on the medications employed in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for the treatment of alcohol, opioid or methamphetamine misuse. This second edition demonstrates how using multiple treatment perspectives, including Motivational Interviewing, Harm Reduction, and the Recovery Management Model can be integrated to inform an effective recovery coaching practice. Readers receive sobriety tools that can be used as a guide for the coach to support the person in their recovery process. Poignant, personal stories from recovery coaches pinpoint their experiences and fill the book with bonus coaching material. This second edition includes the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) survey as well as a list of what a recovery coach should anticipate from a recovery coach’s supervisor. However, the resources do not stop there, the book gives practical business advice about how to set up a successful recovery coaching practice.
80% of people leaving a substance misuse treatment center will relapse within the first year of discharge. 9 out of 10 of this 80% relapse within the first ninety days after discharge. Working with a recovery coach or a peer recovery support specialist can significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse during this crucial period. Recovery coaching and peer recovery support is the missing link, bridging the gap between an individual leaving a treatment center and maintaining long term sobriety.
RECOVERY COACHING- A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions gives readers something that has not been done before: a thorough explanation of recovery coaching and peer recovery support. First published in 2013, it was the first book on Recovery Coaching, since the field’s inception in the 1990s. This book will be an indispensable resource for the recovery coach or peer support specialist just starting out, the coaching veteran, and any addiction treatment professional.
“My goal is to have clients experience a blend of recovery and life tools to create the skills needed to maintain long term sobriety” states Ms. Killeen. “This book embodies that philosophy, guiding the new coach to know as much as they can learn at the start of their coaching career. This book blends the knowledge of coaching, the models of recovery, life skills, and several examples of clinical research used in the treatment of addictions.”
Melissa Killeen is an established Recovery Coach with a broad understanding of this new field in addiction treatment. Included in this Second Edition of Recovery Coaching – A Guide to Coaching People in Recovery from Addictions is the knowledge she has received from many years of recovery coaching, developing Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs), training recovery coaches for certification, and working with treatment centers on developing recovery coaching programs for their expanding aftercare program.
Ms. Killeen received her master’s degree in Executive Coaching and a Master of Philosophy in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania, which is where she developed her model of integrating executive coaching with recovery coaching. With many years of personal recovery, she realized when studying executive coaching at this Ivy League university, the impact coaching would have for those that want recovery but cannot seem to achieve a balance of work, relationships, and recovery. Ms. Killeen is the past president of Recovery Coaches International, an international association of recovery coaches. In 2015 she was presented with the Vernon Johnson Award from the Faces and Voices of Recovery, in Washington DC. She is a Nationally Certified Professional Recovery Support Specialist (NCPRSS) and a recovery coach trainer with CCAR. Melissa lives in Southern New Jersey.
Email Melissa at:, call country code: 00-1 US area code: 856.745.4844 (Eastern Standard Time/United States) or SKYPE her at: mkrecoverycoaching.
You can visit her recovery coaching website at
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