Category Archives: Recovery Coaching

The Dance of Love – The Love Avoidant

codependent-relationshipWhat is a love avoidant?

The love avoidant will build relational walls during intimate contact in order to prevent feeling overwhelmed by the other person. The love avoidant associates love with duty or work.

This coping mechanism is usually the result of a child being parented by an adult with no personal boundaries, making the child “responsible” for the major caregiver’s happiness or sometimes, their survival. The child often feels smothered by the parent. As a result, the child loses all sense of self and starts believing that esteem is directly related to how much he/she takes care of other people. For the love avoidant, being in a relationship (i.e. relational) involves making sure that walls are in place to reduce the intensity in a relationship, to avoid being controlled or smothered and/or to avoid the risk of showing vulnerability. Love addiction is frequently discussed in the 12-step rooms of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, however, the love addict’s dark twin, love avoidance, is often brushed under the rug.

What are the signs of a love avoidant personality?

1: Fear of intimacy and emotional closeness

For an avoidant, intimacy equals the risk of being hurt. Although in a healthy relationship emotional intimacy is essential and sought after, emotional closeness is the love avoidant’s ultimate fear. For the avoidant, intimacy is identical to a feeling of being smothered or being controlled. The love avoidant builds walls and boundaries to make intimacy more, or less, impossible.

2: What you see is not what you get . . .

A love avoidant may be acting as a love addict. Often they share the same desires and act as the chameleon to become their love interest’s rescuer. A love addict sees the avoidant as the perfect partner, their white knight and hero. But after a while in a relationship, the love avoidant seems to change from a hero to a cold, unavailable or distant partner. Indeed, the love avoidant cannot continue the charade of being Prince Charming and starts using certain coping mechanisms that will protect him (or her) from anyone trying to get closer.

The avoidant uses these coping mechanisms, or boundaries, and comes across as not being “committed” to the relationship. The avoidant suddenly becomes super busy at work, volunteers an extravagant number of hours to a charity, creates drama through arguments or simply avoids physical intimacy – the love avoidant will do anything to avoid intimacy.

3: The presence of an addiction or a compulsive problem

A typical characteristic of the love avoidant is the presence of an addiction. Undeniably, there’s nothing better than an addiction to keep people away! From substance abuse to behavioral addictions, the avoidant person may use sex with others, video games or work to avoid intimacy in their primary relationship.

4: Narcissism

Often the love avoidant displays a number of narcissistic features. Although it may not be a clinical diagnosis of narcissism, the avoidant feels a sense of entitlement and has a two-faced personality – turning from “Mr. Nice Guy” in public to “King Lear” in private. Wishing to cover up their true feelings, an avoidant becomes defensive at any challenge, has major difficulty admitting a mistake, and can fall into compulsive lying. It is easy to see how the love avoidant can very often be mistaken for a person with narcissistic personality disorder.

5: Resistant to help

We often hear much more about the love addiction part of this illness than the love avoidance aspect, because the love avoidant is highly resistant to asking for professional help, either for themselves or their relationship. Indeed asking for help from anyone, let alone a clinical professional, would require the ability to open up oneself to vulnerability and connection . . . and of course, this is what the love avoidant fears most. Being in a relationship with a love avoidant is like being in a relationship with an actor in a movie.When the director yells “cut,” the love avoidant actor recedes to their trailer for privacy and protection from outside influences.

Yet, somehow the love addict and love avoidant are drawn to each other. Read more on this dance of love between the love addict and love avoidant in next week’s post.

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The Dance of Love—What is a Love Addict?

valentines day heartsWhat are the characteristics of a love addict? 

Scratch the surface of a sex addict and you will find a love addict. Scratch the surface of a love addict and you will find a love avoidant. This is a perplexing situation for most of the individuals who are facing these complex behavioral addictions.

Love addiction or love avoidance is often an underlying addiction in many relationships. But it is hard to discern the dance of a love addict and a love avoidant when you are on the dance floor with one. It helps to look at the definitions of each behavior.

What is love addiction?

“Love addiction is defined as a coping mechanism whereby an individual is obsessed with a fantasy he/she has created about another person, believing he/she is ‘loving’ the other but in fact objectifying the other person through the use of the fantasy.”

-Pia Mellody

Love addiction is usually created in childhood when a parent or major caregiver is incapable of displaying love or forming an attachment with their child, such as a parent who stands behind an emotional brick wall, perhaps is abusing drugs or alcohol, or is an overachiever in the workplace or in society. As it’s psychologically impossible for the child to believe that it’s the parent’s issue, the child has no choice but to take on the blame themselves and begins feeling “less than.”

In adulthood, the love-addicted person believes that if nobody takes care of them, they will be abandoned, and unable to survive. As a result, the love addict has very few personal boundaries, becoming needy and creating drama (intensity) in a relationship, in order to draw attention to themselves, to be noticed and therefore “kept alive.”

Love addicts live in a world of desperate need and emotional despair. Fearful of being alone or rejected, love addicts endlessly search for that special someone – a White Knight or Princess Leia, the person who will make them feel safe. Ironically, love addicts have overlooked numerous opportunities to experience the true intimacy they think they want. Passing by many a good man or woman, because the love addict thinks they are boring. Mainly because a love addict is more strongly attracted to the intense experience of “falling in love” than they are to the peaceful intimacy of a healthy relationship. As such, they spend much of their time hunting for “the one.” They base nearly all of their life choices on the desire and search for this perfect relationship – the person with an Ivy League degree, or the interesting job, the guy with the perfect wardrobe or the woman with a perfect body. The love addict will play the chameleon, engaging in hobbies that may not interest them or portraying themselves falsely in conversations and social interactions, in order to attract their mate. But what is a love avoidant? In next week’s post, I will explore the love avoidant characteristics.


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From Now On: Seven Keys to Purposeful Recovery

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