Category Archives: Addiction

A new ER resource – recovery coaches


Melissa Killeen

In Rhode Island, more than 1,000 addicts have been brought from the edge of death due to opioid overdose, thanks to first-responders and emergency room workers using the new lifesaving drugs Narcan and Naloxone. When patients are overdosing, first-responders or ER nurses administer these new drugs, which reverse an opioid overdose. The ER staff members use it so often it’s become a verb, as in: “we Narcaned him.”

In 2015, a pilot program to train law enforcement officers to use Narcan and Naloxone prefilled syringes or nasal spray was started in the New Jersey counties of Monmouth and Ocean. It has been successful in reversing over 400 potentially fatal overdoses. Narcan kits are now available in police cars, ambulances, public transportation centers and even at your local CVS. But the growing number of overdoses has stretched the emergency room doctors and nurses to a breaking point.

When Narcan patients come to the ER, they can be angry and disorientated, when upon waking they find their high is gone. Emergency rooms are handling a lot of overdose patients, and the work can be frustrating. These patients are combative, upset, demeaning, often yelling or physically acting out. ER personnel, not trained in detox reactions, are perplexed. They are being pulled away from the people who have more medically-critical needs.

In a relatively short period of time, Naloxone and Narcan are emerging as very one-dimensional treatments. They are lifesavers, but don’t treat the real problem that brings the patient into the emergency room. Another similar one-dimensional treatment is using a defibrillator for a heart attack, it saves the life but it doesn’t treat the heart disease. Using Narcan does not treat the disease of addiction.

As a result, emergency room physicians, first-responders and treatment experts across the country say the same thing, without a mechanism to connect the overdose patients to addiction services, Narcan and Naloxone only create a revolving door in emergency rooms. Some addicts have returned from the edge of death four and five times, thanks to Narcan injections or nasal sprays.

In Rhode Island’s hospitals, and in hospitals throughout New Hampshire and New Jersey, ER doctors have called on a relatively new resource to help: the recovery coach. These coaches are not ER employees but are part of a new plan to assist ER personnel in dealing with the detoxing victims of an opioid overdose. These recovery coaches work with the detoxing patients, allowing the ER staff to continue with their tasks of treating others that come into an emergency room. These recovery coaches are peers, many of them former addicts trained to work with an overdose patient coming down from the opioid. These coaches are trained to move the patients into long-term treatment programs for their drug addiction.

“The goal of the LifelineED program is to get individuals who were Narcaned into detox and treatment,” says Sharon Chapman, program supervisor of the LifelineED program at Center for Family Services in Voorhees, NJ. “Our Recovery Coaches and Patient Navigators work with each individual to help get them into a treatment facility. It’s important for these patients to know they’re not alone, we offer support to help the patients and their families as they go through the recovery journey.”

These recovery coaches offer peer-to-peer support. There’s nothing like being approached by another recovering drug addict who can help you in your time of need, who knows exactly what you’re going through at that moment. Often, they use information and resources that the hospital staff might not have, such as a list of treatment programs, how to go through the intake process, as well as spending time to educate addicts’ families about the treatment process and how to recognize early signs of the addiction. Of course, the patient decides whether they will take part in treatment, but willingness is the strongest when the patient realizes they just have been given a new “lease on life.” Emergency staff acknowledge it’s helpful to have recovery coaches who can spend time with a patient, and can begin moving them into treatment. These coaches know the recovery terrain better than the ER nurses and physicians. Patients have the option to go to a treatment center, or if they choose to go home, they take the recovery coach’s number with them. The recovery coach or the patient navigator will follow up with them, and assists in helping the patient take the next steps towards recovery. Overdose victims are willing to let recovery coaches into their homes to talk about the program immediately after their overdose. Some need time to come to the realization that if they don’t accept the offer of treatment, there may not be another opportunity. Finding the time for a home visit is something that the ER staff could never do.

Funding for these ER Recovery Coaching programs is popping up all over the United States, since President Obama and Michael Botticelli, the Director of National Drug Control policy, have requested over $1 billion dollars to be placed into the 2017 budget to fight this growing opioid epidemic. This funding request surpasses the $400 million amount Obama signed for in the 2016 budget, which was a jump of $100 million over the 2014 budget, all in hopes of addressing this harrowing epidemic, which has ravaged communities in all corners of the U.S.

If you are interested in learning more about working in an ER room as a recovery coach, here are some resources:

Holly Fitting

Providence Center-AnchorED– 528 North Main Street, Providence, RI 02904

Phone: (401) 528-0123 / Email:

Attn: Melissa Silvey

311 Route 108, Somersworth, NH 03878

Phone: (603) 516-2562 / Email:

Sharon Chapman, Program Supervisor

108 Somerdale Rd, Voorhees NJ 08043

Phone: (856) 428-5699 x116 / Email:

Attn.: Michael Santillo

16 Spring Street

Paterson, NJ 07501 / Phone: (973) 754-6784

  • Barnabas Health Opioid Overdose Recovery Program

1691 U.S. 9, Toms River, NJ 08754

Phone: (732) 914-3815

Posted in Addiction, Addiction Recovery Posts, Drug Abuse, Opioid addiction, Recovery Coaching | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A new ER resource – recovery coaches

I am most vulnerable when I am naked

As a recovery coach, I approach my clients as a peer, as someone who has suffered the slings and arrows of addiction and emerged into a life of recovery, and sober from drugs, alcohol and some behavioral addictions. As a peer I have the experiential knowledge to help my clients walk the pathway to recovery.

However, there are some clients, I cannot seek to help. These clients are the ones that identify as having eating disorders. That is because, (I have to be truthful here) I struggle with disordered eating. I am an overeater. Carbohydrates, dairy and processed sugars are my heroin and I have not overcome this addiction.

I also spent my formative years, from age one until well into my thirties, in the grips of body dysmorphia. In Wikipedia, body dysmorphia is defined as Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), also known dysmorphic syndrome, a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one’s own appearance is severely flawed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it. I saw myself as a fat person. When I looked in the mirror I saw a person three or more dress sizes larger than I really was. I thought I was fat, when all along I was a person with a normal sized body.

What’s Underneath Project

This blog post will not go into my years of body dysmorphia, but rather on a recent awakening: how to accept me as I am. Just last week, I was viewing a article on Tallulah Willis, Bruce Willis’ and Demi Moore’s daughter and her recent stay in a treatment center. There was a link to a video of Tallulah that I clicked on. I was introduced to a whole new way of seeing myself, through the “What’s Underneath Project.”

Seven years ago, Elisa Goodkind, a veteran fashion stylist, and her daughter, Lily Mandelbaum, a former film student, created StyleLikeU as an alternative to the fashion culture’s crippling status quo. Launched in 2009, StyleLikeU is home to a series of intimate video portraits that redefine our culture’s notion of beauty, called the What’s Underneath Project. These simple videos, show unapologetic individuals who are true to themselves in both their style and in their lives. Individuals, gay, straight, recovering from breast cancer or transitioning to their true gender, exude confidence in their own skin. And the viewers are empowered to discover that this same sense of confidence and beauty can be their own.

As I was browsing through the videos, and I clicked on Olivia Campbell’s (a well-known British plus style model) video. I cried when I listened to her journey through bullying and sexual abuse. I came to the realization that I am still beautiful, even though I am over sixty, thanks to Jacky O’Shaughnessy’s video. I was transfixed that her story, was exactly my story, one of poor body image and how it affects my relationships. Jacky’s statement that she feels the most vulnerable when she is naked in front of a man, and she feels the most beautiful when she is naked in front of a man, was so honest. Because underneath it all, I felt the same thing.

A Viral Phenomenon

The What’s Underneath Project strips everyday people and celebrities down to their bra and panties to open them up, exploring the power of genuine self-acceptance as they undress. Since its launch in 2014, the response has been monumental. The videos went viral, and have received over 9 million YouTube hits, international press, while fan mail floods in from people wanting to help, donate funds and participate. The What’s Underneath Project has produced 70 plus videos, ranging from 5 to 15 minutes in length, and has posted them on YouTube.

In November 2014, the What’s Underneath Project launched a Kickstarter campaign to support the production of a documentary film that will capture this viral video series. The campaign was a wild success and in just 18 days, exceeded the initial goal of $100k. By the end of the month-long campaign, the What’s Underneath Project raised a total of $135,655. The upcoming documentary film is in production and the What’s Underneath Project documentary film will be released in the Spring of 2017.

The What’s Underneath Project is on the road to becoming a global movement for self-acceptance.

Posted in Addiction, body dismorphia, body image, Recovery Coaching, relationships | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on I am most vulnerable when I am naked

The Top Ten Warning Signs You Are Talking to an Online Catfisher-Part 4

 innocence-en-dangerHow can you protect yourself from a Catfisher or an online predator?

Why do they do what they do? Catfishers want something from you. These are people that are not motivated by love, but are driven by money, perverse sexual desires and criminal intent.

  • Money is usually the first thing predators want from adult contacts
  • They want to win you over and manipulate you, so you begin to desire them in a sexual way and that means you will begin to trust them
  • They will use your photographs and distribute them to other online predators, they will re-post the pictures online in sexual forums or just enjoy your photographs themselves, privately
  • They want to have conversations with you, texting or otherwise, in order to get sexually aroused during the conversation
  • Any of the above contacts will enable these predators to black-mail, extort or rape you

Scary Stats

There are some scary statistics on Catfishers or online predators.

  • An estimated 725,000 people are aggressively pursued online for sex or extortion annually in the US
  • In 2005 alone, 25% percent of rapists used online dating sites to find their victims
  • In 2011, the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center lodged 5,600 complaints from victims of “romance scams” or “catfishers”
  • Reports say victims of these romance scams have lost over fifty million dollars—however authorities know this figure is much higher because many victims are too embarrassed to report the incidents
  • Every 2 minutes a person in America is sexually assaulted
  • 1 out of 4 children in the U.S. have been sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex by an online predator
  • Each year Internet predators commit over 16,000 abductions, over 100 murders, and thousands of rapes
  • Over 39,000 verified Registered Sex Offenders have profiles on social media sites
  • 1 out of 5 kids have been solicited for sex on the Internet
  • 1 out of 4 kids have been contacted online by a person not representing themselves in a true or accurate way
  • Only 25% of kids tell parents or adults about any online encounters
  • 77% of the time, the targets for online predators are usually in the 11-14 year-old-age range
  • 25% of children that were surveyed were exposed to unwanted pornographic material

Dating Safety Tips

Online dating often leads to offline dates, which may end up as a successful relationship. However, before you meet someone in person, take all the time you need to get well-acquainted with this person, so there is hopefully nothing to worry about when you meet face-to-face. Sexual assault on a date is definitely not an everyday occurrence, nonetheless, you need to ensure your personal safety when planning to meet someone for a first date. Take the time to really get to know a person and dangerous incidents are less likely to occur.

The predators need to be exposed, if you or anyone you know has been contacted by an online predator or has received unwanted solicitation from someone online, call the police and notify the social networking site on which the contact was made.

  • NEVER give out your personal information or home address online, even giving out the town you live in can reveal too much information to a predator
  • Don’t reply to social media messages from people you don’t know
  • NEVER meet face-to-face with someone you have just met online, give yourself and the contact at least 3 weeks to get to know each other before a face-to-face is planned
  • Never download image files from an unknown source, they could contain sexually explicit images that could put you in a compromising legal situation
  • Avoid chat rooms or discussion forums that are sexually proactive
  • If you receive uncomfortable or frightening material, end the communication, block the person from contacting you and report them to the dating site or the social networking site
  • If you receive an unwanted solicitation call 911, contact the dating site or the social networking site and report the perpetrator immediately

Sexual assault and date rape are definitely not common occurrences when meeting an online date. Read and follow the safety advice for first date meetings that have been outlined on your online dating site, so you are well-prepared. In addition, here are some of tips that will be useful too.

  • Always take the time to get well-acquainted with someone before you plan a meeting. Talking to this person online or on the phone for three weeks is a good amount of time to ensure this person is safe to meet
  • Bookend the date, which means you notify a friend where the date is, whom the date is with and when the date starts and then again, contact the same friend when you leave the date, to ensure you are home and are safe
  • Meet in a public place, like a restaurant, coffee shop, and drive your own car or know the public transportation schedule in order to leave to catch the last bus. At no time should this first date drive you home
  • While on the date, always be very aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye on your drink at all times. Date rape drugs are very easy to drop into any drink. Drinking coffee with a lid on the cup is probably your best defense against this kind of occurrence
  • Getting a girl drunk is a common ploy for a predator, so watch how much alcohol you drink. In fact, many online dating site guidelines do not recommend going to a bar or having a drink on the first date
  • Be cautious during your first few meetings with this person. Have the dates in open public places and stay away from dark and deserted situations
  • Never go to this person’s home or to a hotel until months into your dating experience

What do you do if you have been assaulted?

If you believe you may be a victim of sexual assault, the first thing you should do is immediately contact the police and report the crime, no matter how small you might think the crime is. It is common for victims to blame themselves in a case of assault, however you must always remember that this predator had absolutely no justification to attack you. It is also very important to protect your health, go to the hospital and request to have a sexual assault forensic exam, the staff will administer some tests that are compiled into what is sometimes known as a “rape kit.” These exams will preserve possible DNA evidence and you will receive important medical care. You don’t have to report the crime to have this exam, but the process gives you the chance to safely store evidence, should you decide to report the crime at a later time.

  • If you feel you cannot handle going to the hospital alone, try asking an understanding family member or friend to escort you to the hospital.
  • If necessary, you can also speak with a rape hotline operator, an experienced therapist or social worker who can help you deal with it. For more information, reference the local hotlines and services that are featured below
  • If you choose not to have a sexual assault forensic exam, it is also a good idea to to go to a clinic or to see a doctor who can test you for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • To find a location near you that performs sexual assault forensic exams, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (656-4673) or talk to your local sexual assault service provider

Here are some National Resources for Victims of a Catfisher

General Information:

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)                                                                                                                              A partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).

National Sexual Assault Hotline: National hotline, operated by RAINN, that serves people affected by sexual violence. It automatically routes the caller to their nearest sexual assault service provider. You can also search your local center here. Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (656-4673)

National Sexual Violence Resource Center: This site offers a wide variety of information relating to sexual violence including a large legal resource library.

National Organization for Victim Assistance: Founded in 1975, NOVA is the oldest national victim assistance organization of its type in the United States as the recognized leader in this noble cause.

National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women: VAWnet, a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence hosts a resource library home of thousands of materials on violence against women and related issues, with particular attention to its intersections with various forms of oppression.

U.S. Department of Justice: National Sex Offender Public Website: NSOPW is the only U.S. government Website that links public state, territorial, and tribal sex offender registries from one national search site.

The National Center for Victims of Crime: The mission of the National Center for Victims of Crime is to forge a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. They are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime.

Child Abuse/Sexual Abuse:

National Child Abuse Hotline: They can provide local referrals for services. A centralized call center provides the caller with the option of talking to a counselor. They are also connected to a language line that can provide service in over 140 languages. Hotline: 800.4.A.CHILD (800-422-2253)

Darkness to Light: They provide crisis intervention and referral services to children or people affected by sexual abuse of children. Hotline calls are automatically routed to a local center. Helpline: 866.FOR.LIGHT (367.5444)

Cyber Tip Line: This Tipline is operated by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Can be used to communicate information to the authorities about child pornography or child sex trafficking. Hotline: 800.THE.LOST (800-843-5678)

National Children’s Alliance: This organization represents the national network of Child Advocacy Centers (CAC). CACs are a multidisciplinary team of law enforcement, mental and physical health practitioners who investigate instances of child physical and sexual abuse. Their website explains the process and has a directory according to geographic location.

Stop It Now: Provides information to victims and parents/relatives/friends of child sexual abuse. The site also has resources for offender treatment as well as information on recognizing the signs of child sexual abuse. Hotline: 888-PREVENT (888-773-8368)

Justice for Children: Provides a full range of advocacy services for abused and neglected children.

Domestic, Dating and Intimate Partner Violence:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: Through this hotline an advocate can provide local direct service resources (safe-house shelters, transportation, casework assistance) and crisis intervention. Interpreter services available in 170 languages. They also partner with the Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Center to provide a videophone option. Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233)

National Teen Dating Abuse Online Helpline: This online helpline assists teens who are, or may be, in abusive relationships. Call 1-866-331-9474, chat at or text “loveis” to 22522, any time, 24/7/365

Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center: The center serves abused Americans, mostly women and children, in both civilian and military populations overseas. In addition to providing domestic violence advocacy, safety planning and case management, the center assists victims with relocation, emergency funds for housing and childcare, and funds for payment of legal fees. International & Toll-Free 866-USWOMEN (866- 879-6636) (Available 24/7/365)

National Coalition against Domestic Violence: The national coalition of Domestic Violence organizations is dedicated to empowering victims and changing society to a zero tolerance policy. Call the Nat’l #DomesticViolence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (799-7233) if you or someone you love is a victim and needs help


(See also resources on Child Abuse/ Sexual Abuse above)

Survivors of Incest Anonymous: They provide information on how to find incest survivor support groups in your area and empowers individuals to become survivors and thrivers.

GirlThrive: Girlthrive Inc. honors teen girls and young women who have survived incest and all sex abuse through thriverships, opportunity and education.


Stalking Resource Center: The Stalking Resource Center is a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime. Their website provides statistics on stalking, information on safety planning and other resources.

Posted in Addiction, Addiction Recovery Posts, alcohol, Drug Abuse, Family Dynamics, Health, internet addiction disorder, love addiction, mental health, Opioid addiction, Parents, Pornography, pornography addiction, relationships, Research, Sex Addiction, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Top Ten Warning Signs You Are Talking to an Online Catfisher-Part 4