Global Coaching Conference October 10 th to 14th, 2011 Featuring: Melissa Killeen, MS, MPhil, MK Recovery Coaching / Speaking on: Executive Coaching and the Recovering Executive – What to do with a client that may have addiction issues?

Global Coaching Conference
October 10 th to 14th, 2011

Melissa Killeen, MS, MPhil: MK Recovery Coaching
An Executive Coach for Recovering Leaders

Speaking on:
Executive Coaching and the Recovering Executive – What to do with a client that may have addiction issues?

Wednesday, October 12 at 3:00pm (EST)

Description of the session, content and outcomes:
“Executive Coaching and the Recovering Executive-What to do
with a client that may have addiction issues?”

This seminar will focus on coaching the executive that may have unrecognized addiction issues or is in recovery and needs to repair some relationships at work. Melissa will discuss assessments, establishing the stage of change, self disclosure, formulating a recovery plan for work and boosting the tools the executive can use to repair the damage the addiction has created in the business environment. Melissa blends a healthy dose of the 12 steps and the 12-principals with the tools that an executive coach uses to further leadership development.
A fair amount of time will be spent on questions and answers that coaches may have when they encounter an addicted client. Often the reaction is “Flight or Fight”! This seminar will assist the coach to find the right direction in approaching a client’s addiction, how to introduce the 12 steps as well as how to rebuild damaged relationships in the workplace.

Global Coaching Conference
Dialing-In Guide For Guests

1) On Wednesday October 12 at 2:55pm (EST) , call
(410) 454-9994 in the USA

2) Use the GUEST conference password ID: 547418#

3) Now they can hear you, and each other
Guests: Press *6 to mute your phones, then press *7 to un-mute
and just in case, if the lines are busy, try this back-up number:
(704) 804-5068 – password ID: 547418#

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Gottenborg , Sweden 41506

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