Category Archives: Addiction

The Top Ten Warning Signs You Are Talking to an Online Catfisher, Scammer, Scallawag or Con—Part 3

20150609_223702 (2)Are you talking to someone on line? Do you trust them? Could they be a catfisher, a scammer, a scallawag or a con?

Last week I outlined some typical characteristics and warning signs of interacting with an online scammer. I will continue outlining Tyler Cohen Wood’s indicators that the person you are speaking to online may be a catfisher.

Ms. Wood is a Cyber Branch Chief for an Intelligence Agency within the Department of Defense (DoD). She is the author of the book, Catching the Catfishers: Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin Your Life. Here are some more indicators you should be aware of when you are using an online dating service:

  1. Do their stories match up? Complete a reference check!

If someone is pretending to be someone they’re not, they may have a difficult time keeping up with their fake persona. Colleges are the easiest reference to check. Call the alumni office to verify whether this person is in the alumni directory. When I wanted to check on one individual, I emailed his LinkedIn colleagues, and asked if they know “this person,” yes, I really did!  One scammer was so bold he had me speak with his daughter who was home visiting from college, and when I asked her how Boulder was, she blanked. She was supposedly attending the University of Colorado.

  1. Check the times of the calls. By the way, how is their spelling or their command of the English language?

I have been contacted by many international catfishers, and for some reason, they will never call between 12:00am and 6:00am Sri Lanka time (2pm EST-8pm EST). We all make silly spelling mistakes, but if the person you are communicating with uses strange grammar and continuously makes odd spelling mistakes, maybe these writings are all coming from Google Translation, so proceed with caution.

  1. You will receive everything you would want to hear from a Prince Charming

“You are so beautiful,” “I think you are someone special,” “I love you” or you receive a marriage proposal, sometimes all within the first twenty-four hours of meeting this person online. Need I say red flag to this one?

  1. In the first few days, are the communications hot and heavy with frequent emails, texting and contact? What happens next?

My experience with scammers is that it takes five to seven days of hot and heavy intrigue, seduction, in pursuit of the development of trust. Then it is time for the “ask.” Some catfishers may take up to a month and work it very slow, all during which time, red flags are still appearing. Usually this period of time is accompanied by the building up of the “story.” This story could be a “colossal break,” a deal so big they can retire on it, or they are working on the opportunity of a lifetime. Once they know they have your trust, there then follows a disaster. A partner pulls out of the deal, leaving the scammer high and dry. Or they need to fly to Europe immediately, and they need some cash to finalize the deal. They may need large amounts of cash to be sent in order to complete business obligations. They need to bribe corrupt local officials, or they may have been “robbed” and lost all of their belongings. Just about any story will do, and it is usually a large amount of money that will satisfy them. What is totally amazing is that if you say no, it will not stop the scammer from asking again and again.

There are a great variety of scripts scammers use to ask for money. The first step is appearing on a dating or social media site with a fake profile and credentials. Some scripts, or roles, these scammers use will portray them as an American soldier stationed overseas, a businessman from the United States who spends the majority of his time traveling internationally, or the entrepreneur who has the biggest international deal of a lifetime knocking at his door, usually involving oil, diamonds or gold.

Catfishers follow similar scripts in regard to the role of their family members. The scammer is often a widower, spending too many years grieving for the dead partner, and you are the first person that really “gets” him. There are always kids, all very smart, but they are studying abroad. There are also possessions, more than one house, vacation timeshares, and an antique sports car. All plenty of stuff to check online, but there isn’t any record online, so beware!!

Most important to remember, is never give them money. Once the money is transferred, the scammer simply disappears, leaving you with a broken heart and an empty bank account. There is little chance of prosecution or recovery since these scammers are often located in other countries.

Of course, not everyone is out to scam you. There are plenty of legitimate individuals seeking a partner on these dating sites.  The intention of this post is not to make you paranoid. Ultimately, if you’re doubting this situation – you’re most likely right. If you encounter some of the scenarios and warning signs I have listed above, end the relationship immediately, never arrange a date and never, ever give this person any money. Be the fish that got away.

Next week, I will discuss ways that you can protect yourself from online predators.


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The Top Ten Warning Signs You Are Talking to an Online Catfisher, Scammer, Scallawag or Con-Part 2

20150609_223702 (2)Are you talking to someone online? Do you trust them? Could they be a catfisher, a scammer, a scallawag or a con?

I recently returned to online dating after ending a long-term relationship. With a profile depicting a self-supporting, intelligent woman, I was contacted by ten men, and nine of those contacts were scammers or catfishers. Nine out of ten! That is why I am writing this blog post, to make people aware of the dangers of online catfishers or scammers.

I will outline some typical characteristics and warning signs of an online scammer and offer suggestions on how to protect yourself from catfishers. The good news is that you can protect yourself by learning how to spot a phony while dating online. Tyler Cohen Wood is an expert in social media and cyber issues. She is a Cyber Branch Chief for an Intelligence Agency within the Department of Defense (DoD). She is the author of the book — Catching the Catfishers: Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin Your Life, and has outlined these indicators that the person you are speaking to online, may be a catfisher.

  1. What if this person won’t video chat?

Using SKYPE, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or even SnapChat with a person whom you meet online is normal practice in online dating. If a person makes excuses every time you want to SKYPE, consider it a red flag. Be concerned if the area code of their cell number is a not listed in the domestic list of area codes or they cannot come up with a good reason they have such a number. Areas codes that start with 473, 809, 284, 649, 654 and 876 are international, and are known to have been used for scams. Also be aware if there is a very bad connection every time you speak to them (such as a poor international connection) or no voicemail is attached to the number. This person is hiding something that they don’t want you to know.

2. What happens when you Google them?

Almost everyone in the United States has some sort of Internet presence. It is very rare that someone would have none at all. If you do basic research, such as conducting a search using a portal like,, or by looking through social media sites, and can’t find anything about this person, that is also a red flag. Most professionals will at least have a LinkedIn page. If you cannot find anything on the Internet about a person, they might not be telling you their real name, which again, is a red flag. However, anyone can very easily create a fake LinkedIn or Facebook page, so be cautious.

  1. Check public records.

Do some reconnaissance by using search engines to find public records-, or If a person says they own a house, you will be able to easily see where it is and how long they have lived there. You can also find legal documents like bankruptcy filings, divorce records and death records.

  1. Do they send real time photos of themselves?

When people are communicating online, they will frequently send each other selfies, in real time. During a conversation, ask to see a photo of the person right then. If they refuse, or make some excuse, again, another red flag. If they have only sent you one or two photos, it is likely that they took those photos from someone else’s Facebook page or from somewhere else on the Internet. Don’t be fooled by photos of kids, or the snap of a potential romantic interest with his elderly Mom. We all post photos of our family members on our Facebook page! Do a reverse image Google search — right-click on their photos, copy the URL, and paste in the box at Google will then search for other sources of that image online.

  1. How many “real” friends and work colleagues are on this person’s social media sites? How many people communicate with this catfisher?

You can get to know a lot about a person’s friends and family based on the banter they engage in on social media. How many posts are started by the potential catfisher? How many responses? Does the person seem to have real friends who carry on real conversations? Do they tag their photographs? On LinkedIn, do they have colleagues who have endorsed them? Contact a few friends for a reference check.

  1. Do they deflect or never answer your questions when you ask detailed, specific questions?

Do they avoid answering your probing questions? Do you find that they deflect from your original question and the subject changes? Do you stop probing as a result? These too are warning signs. If you feel as if you are the only one sharing information and they are not giving away any details, consider this, yep, a red flag.

Next week I will continue with Tyler Cohen Wood’s indicators that you are talking to a predator on line and offer suggestions on how to protect yourself.



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Faces and Voices in Recovery Develops an Addiction Recovery Toolkit

Faces and Voices in Recovery Partnering with Members of Congress to Offer Comprehensive Addiction Resources

2016 logoFaces & Voices of Recovery, in collaboration with the Addiction Policy Forum and the House of Representatives Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic developed a comprehensive addiction resources toolkit to help the families impacted by the heroin and opioid epidemic. This week, Members of Congress will unveil this toolkit on their websites and in their district offices and will train their office staff to provide key resources to families and individuals in their communities facing addiction. This toolkit is a resource that every recovery community organization, treatment center, doctor’s office, library as well as every family and individual should have access to.

More Americans die every day from drug overdoses than from car accidents – an average of 129 people per day, with six out of 10 deaths related to opioids. This toolkit was developed in response to the fact that a majority of those who need help with addiction issues are not receiving it. In 2014, only 11 percent of the approximately 22.7 million Americans who needed treatment for substance use received it, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

“We are honored to partner with Members of Congress to offer individuals, families and communities important resources that will help them find support to achieve long-term recovery. We have offered our expertise for this toolkit and are pleased that Members of Congress understand the importance of making this information easily accessible and available in each Congressional district across the nation.”   -Executive Director Patty McCarthy-Metcalf

Leading national and community organizations contributed to this comprehensive set of resources that includes resources around prevention, drug treatment, recovery support and general information for families, community organizations, schools, and parents concerned about addiction and seeking support. The groups who contributed to this guide include: Community Anti-Drug Coalition, the National Council, the National Association for Children of Alcoholics, the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, Shatterproof, Faces & Voices of Recovery, Legal Action Center, National Institute of Drug Abuse, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

In preparing this toolkit, Faces and Voices of Recovery strengthens it’s mission and dedication to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.  Faces & Voices of Recovery is the parent organization of the Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) which unites and supports the growing network of local, regional and statewide recovery community organizations (RCOs). ARCO links RCOs and their leaders with local and national allies and provides training and technical assistance to groups. ARCO helps build the unified voice of the organized recovery community and fulfill our commitment to supporting the development of new groups and strengthening existing ones.

Link to Tool kit:

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